Saturday, May 5, 2018

phrase “I miss you”

*The phrase “I miss you” seems too weak for some situations. It doesn’t capture that feeling of chaos and minor catastrophe caused by the absence of a true love or however you call them. To give the phrase more depth, sometimes you need to add props or a few extra words.* 

1. I can't stop thinking about you.

2. I can't wait to see you again.

3. When will I see you again?

4. I hope I see you again soon.

5. I feel sad without you.

6. All I do is think of you.

7. I wish you were here.

8. I'm counting down the days.

9. I'm counting the days until I see you again.

10. Your picture makes me smile.

11. I think of you night and day.

12. I was thinking about you and it made me smile.

13. I've been thinking of you.

14. You have been running through my head all night.

15. I can't wait to see your beautiful face.

16. I think about you all the time.

17. I smile when I think of the time we spent together.

18. I miss you so much it hurts.

19. I can't work because all I do is think of you.

20. I can't sleep because I have been thinking of you so much.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Ways to describe taste:

Ways to describe taste:

1. Acidic (खट्टा): sharp-tasting or sour.
"acidic wine"

2. Astringent (खट्टा, कसैला): sharp or bitter
"an astringent smell of rotting apples"

3. Bitter (कड़वा): having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
"raw berries have an intensely bitter flavour"

4. Bittersweet (मीठापन जिसके अंत में कटूता हो): sweet with a bitter aftertaste.
"she sipped the bittersweet mocktail"

5. Brackish (नमक का): slightly salty, as in river estuaries.
"a cup of brackish water"

6. Hot (तीखा): containing or consisting of pungent spices or peppers which produce a burning sensation when tasted.
"a very hot dish cooked with green chilli"

7. Mature (पका हुआ, बना हुआ): ready for consumption.
"mature Cheddar cheese"

8. Mild (हल्का): not sharp, hot, or strong in flavour.
"a mild Italian cheese"

9. Ripe (पका हुआ): developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating.
"a ripe tomato"

10. Robust (तीव्र): strong and rich in flavour or smell.
"a robust mixture of fish, onions, capers and tomatoes"

11. Savory (नमकीन): belonging to the category which is salty or spicy rather than sweet.
"fresh pineapple is useful in savoury as well as in sweet dishes"

12. Seasoned (मसालेदार): having had salt, pepper, herbs, or spices added.
"seasoned flour"

13. Sharp (तीखा): acidic and intense.
"fresh goats' milk cheese has a slightly sharper flavour than fromage frais"

14. Sour (कड़वा): having gone bad because of fermentation.
"the kitchen smelled of sour milk"

15. Spicy (मसालेदार): flavoured with or fragrant with spice.
"pasta in a spicy tomato sauce"

16. Sweet and sour (खट्‌टा मीठा): (especially of Chinese-style food) cooked in a sauce containing sugar and either vinegar or lemon.
"sweet-and-sour pork"

17. Syrupy (सिरप जैसा मीठा): having the consistency or sweetness of syrup.
"syrupy puddings"

18. Tart (कसैला): sharp in taste.
"a tart apple"

19. Unsalted (बिना नमक का): not salted.
"unsalted butter"

20. Watery (पानी जैसा): disapproving (of food or drink) containing too much water and therefore weak in taste
"watery soup/coffee"



1)A person who is above hundred years : Centenarian

2)A book published after the death of its author : Posthumas

3)A book written by an unknown author : Anonymous

4)A cinema show which is held in the afternoon : Matinee

5)A citizen of the world : Cosmopolite

6)A contagious disease which spreads over a huge area : Epidemicy

7)A drug or other substance that induces sleep : Soporific

8)A flesh eating animal : Carnivorous

9)A game in which neither party wins : Draw

10)A game in which no one wins : Draw

11)A Government by a king or queen : Monarchy

12)A Government by one : Autocracy

13)A Government by the few : Oligarchy

14)A Government by the Nobles : Aristocracy

15)A Government by the officials : Bureaucracy

16)A Government by the people : Democracy

17)A Government by the rich : Plutocracy

18)A grass eating animal : Herbivorous

19)A handwriting that cannot be read : Illegibel

20)A land animal that breeds in water : Amphibian

21)A letter, poem etc. whose author is unknown : Anonymous

22)A life history written by oneself : Autobiography

23)A life history written by somebody else : Biography

24)A list of books : Catalogue

25)A loss or damage that cannot be compensated : Irreparable

26)A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy : Callous

27)A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion : Fanatic

28)A man who is easily irritated : Irritable

29)A medicine that kills germs : Germicide

30)A medicine that prevents decomposing : Antiseptic

31)A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine : Antidote

32)A member of the middle class : Bourgeois

33)A method that cannot be imitated : Inimitable

34)A pardonable offense : Venial

35)A person appointed by parties to settle the disputes between them : Arbitrator

36)A person difficult to please : Fastidious

37)A person liable to be called to account for his action : Answerable

38)A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return : Parasite

39)A person who always thinks of himself : Egotist

40)A person who cannot read or write : Illiterate

41)A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage : Misogamist

42)A person who hates women : Misogynist

43)A person who imports or exports goods into or from a country secretly because
they are illegal : Smuggler

44)A person who knows everything : Omniscient

45)A person who loves every body : Altruist

46)A person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her. : Credulous

47)A person who remains unmoved and unaffected by other people's opinions,
suggestions : Impervious

48)A person who speaks two languages : Bilingual

49)A person with an evil reputation : Notorious

50)A person's peculiar habit : Idiosyncrasy

51)A place where orphans live : Orphanage

52)A place where weapons and ammunitions are stored : Arsenal

53)A position for which no salary is paid : Honorary

53)A post held without receiving salary : Honorary

53)A sentence whose meaning is unclear : Ambiguous

53)A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature :

58)A shortened form of a word or phrase : Abbreviation

59)A sound that cannot be heard : Inaudible

60)A speech delivered without any previous preparation : Extempore

61)A state of perfect balance : Equilibrium

62)A statement which cannot be understood : Incomprehensible

63)A study of ancient things : Archaeology

64)A study of animals : Zoology

65)A study of birds : Ornithology

66)A study of derivation of words : Etymology

67)A study of man : Anthropology

68)A study of races : Ethnology

69)A study of the body : Physiology

70)A supposed cure for all diseases or problems : Panacea

71)A thing no longer in use : Obsolete

72)A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes : Invisible

73)A thing that is fit to be eaten : Edible

74)A word opposite in meaning to another : Antonym

75)Absence of government : Anarchy

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Idioms and Phrases - 1

Idioms and Phrases - 1

• Idioms : Might is right.

Hindi Equivalent: जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस.

Meaning: जो ताकतवर होता है उसी की बात माननी पड़ती है .

• Idioms : A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan .

Hindi Equivalent: ओस चाटने से प्यास नहीं बुझती .

Meaning: बड़े काम के लिए बड़ा प्रयत्न करना पड़ता है .

• Idioms : An empty vessel sounds much .

Hindi Equivalent: थोथा चना बाजे घना . / अधजल गगरी छलकत जाय.

Meaning: जिसको कम ज्ञान होता है वो दिखावा करने के लिए अधिक बोलता है .

• Idioms : Birds of same feather flock together.

Hindi Equivalent: चोर – चोर मौसेरे भाई . / एक ही थैली के चट्टे-बट्टे.

Meaning: एक जैसे लोग एक साथ रहते हैं .

• Idioms : Do evil & look for like.

Hindi Equivalent: कर बुरा तो होय बुरा. / जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी.

Meaning: जो जैसा करता है उसके साथ वैसा ही होता है .

• Idioms : Good mind, good find.

Hindi Equivalent: आप भले तो जग भला .

Meaning: जो खुद अच्छा है उसके लिए सब अच्छा है .

• Idioms : It takes two to make a quarrel.

Hindi Equivalent: एक हाथ से ताली नहीं बजती .

Meaning: जब दो लोगो में विवाद होता है तो दोनों की ही कुछ न कुछ गलती होती है .

• Idioms : Barking dogs seldom bite .

Hindi Equivalent: जो गरजते हैं वो बरसते नहीं .

Meaning: जो ज्यादा बोलते हैं वे कुछ करते नहीं हैं .

• Idioms : Avarice is root of all evils.

Hindi Equivalent: लालच बुरी बला है .

Meaning: लालच करना बुरी बात है .

• Idioms : Gather thistles & expect pickles .

Hindi Equivalent: बोए पेड़ बबूल का तो आम कहाँ से होय .

Meaning: जैसा कर्म करोगे वैसा फल मिलेगा .

• Idioms : Drowning man catches at straw.

Hindi Equivalent: डूबते को तिनके का सहारा .

Meaning: मुसीबत में पड़ा व्यक्ति उससे निकलने का हर एक प्रयास करता है .

• Idioms : As the king so are the subjects.

Hindi Equivalent: जैसा राजा वैसी प्रजा .

Meaning: जैसा नेत्रित्व होगा वैसे ही अनुयायी होंगे .

• Idioms : A honey tongue , a heart of gall.

Hindi Equivalent: मुख में राम बगल में छूरी .

Meaning: ऊपर से चिकनी -चुपड़ी बातें करना और अन्दर से बुरे विचार रखना .

• Idioms : Pure gold does not fear the flame.

Hindi Equivalent: सांच को आंच क्या .

Meaning: जो सच्चा होता है उसे किसी बात का डर नहीं होता है .

• Idioms : Great cry little wool.

Hindi Equivalent: ऊंची दूकान फीके पकवान ./ नाम बड़े और दर्शन छोटे.

Meaning: देखने में अच्छा पर असलियत में सामान्य होना.

• Idioms : A drop in the Ocean .

Hindi Equivalent: ऊँट के मुंह में जीरा .

Meaning: जहाँ ज्यादा ज़रुरत हो वहां बहुत कम होना .

• Idioms : A nine days wonder .

Hindi Equivalent: चार दिन की चांदनी फिर अँधेरी रात .

Meaning: थोड़े समय के लिए सबकुछ बहुत अच्छा होना .

• Idioms : Crying in wilderness .

Hindi Equivalent: भैंस के आगे बीन बजाना . / मूर्ख के आगे रोए अपने नैन खोए.

Meaning: किसी मूर्ख को अपनी बात समझाना .

• Idioms : Do good & cast in to the river.

Hindi Equivalent: नेकी कर दरिया में डाल .

Meaning: भलाई करने के बदले में कुछ अपेक्षा न रखना .

• Idioms : Diamonds cut diamonds.

Hindi Equivalent: लोहा लोहे को काटता है .

Meaning: शक्तिशाली को शक्तिशाली ही हरा सकता है .

• Idioms : A burnt child dreads the fire. / Once bitten twice shy.

Hindi Equivalent: दूध का जल छाछ को भी फूंक – फूंक कर पीता है .

Meaning: एक बार गलती हो जाने पर व्यक्ति सावधान हो जाता है .

• Idioms : A figure among ciphers.

Hindi Equivalent: अन्धो में काने राजा .

Meaning: कम बुद्धिमान लोगों में अधिक बुद्धिमान होना .

• Idioms : A little knowledge is a dangerous thing ./ Half knowledge is dangerous.

Hindi Equivalent: नीम हकीम ख़तरा-ए-जान

Meaning: चीजों की अधूरी जानकारी होना खतरनाक हो सकता है .

• Idioms : A wolf in lamb’s clothing.

Hindi Equivalent: भेड़ की खाल में भेड़िया.

Meaning: ऊपर से भला और अन्दर से बुरा .

• Idioms : All is well that ends well.

Hindi Equivalent: अंत भला तो सब भला .

Meaning: आखिर में क्या होता है वही मायने रखता है .

• Idioms : Grass on the other side always looks greener.

Hindi Equivalent: दूर के ढोल सुहावने लगते हैं.

Meaning: दूर से चीजें अच्छी लगती हैं . / जो दूसरों के पास होता है वो अधिक महत्त्व का लगता है .

• Idioms : A bad workman blames his tools.

Hindi Equivalent: नाच न जाने आंगन टेढ़ा.

Meaning: अपनी कमी से कुछ ना कर पाने का दोष अन्य चीजों पर देना .

• Idioms : All that glitters is not gold.

Hindi Equivalent: हर चमकने वाली चीज सोना नहीं होती .

Meaning: बाहरी रंग -रूप से प्रभावित नहीं होना चाहिए .

• Idioms : You cannot live in Rome and fight with the Pope.

Hindi Equivalent: जल में रहकर मगर से बैर ठीक नहीं.

Meaning: अपने क्षेत्र के ताकतवर व्यक्ति से दुश्मनी नहीं करनी चाहिए.

• Idioms : Tit for tat.

Hindi Equivalent: जैसे को तैसा.

Meaning: अच्छे के साथ अच्छा और बुरे के साथ बुरा करना .

• Idioms : A friend in need is a friend in deed.

Hindi Equivalent: अपना वहि जॊ आवे काम्.

Meaning: मुसीबत में काम आने वाला व्यक्ति ही सच्चा मित्र होता है .

• Idioms : Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

Hindi Equivalent: दान की बछिया के दांत नहीं देखे जाते.

Meaning: दान में मिली चीजों में कमी नहीं निकालनी चाहिए .

• Idioms : The pot is calling the kettle black ”

Hindi Equivalent: उल्टा चोर कोतवाल को डांटे.

Meaning: खुद गलती करना और दूसरे को भला बुरा कहना .

• Idioms : As you sow, so shall you reap.

Hindi Equivalent: जैसा बोओगे वैसा काटोगे.

Meaning: कर्म के हिसाब से ही फल मिलता है .

• Idioms : More to it than meets the eye

Hindi Equivalent: दाल में काला.

Meaning: कुछ गड़बड़ होना .

• Idioms : Between the devil and the deep sea.

Hindi Equivalent: आगे कुआँ पीछे खाई. / आसमान से गिरा खजूर में अटका.

Meaning : हर तरफ मुसीबत होना.

• Idioms : Speak/Think of the devil and the devil is here.

Hindi Equivalent: नाम लिया और शैतान हाजिर .

Meaning : किसी के बारे में सोचते/बोलते ही उसका सामने आ जाना.

• Idioms : To turn tail ./ To show a clear pairs of heels.

Hindi Equivalent: दुम दिखाकर भाग जाना.

Meaning : डर के भाग जाना .

• Idioms : When in Rome, do as Romans do.

Hindi Equivalent:जैसा देश वैसा भेष .

Meaning : जगह के अनुसार रहना चाहिए.

• Idioms : It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Hindi Equivalent: अब पछताए होत क्या जब चिड़िया चुग गई खेत.

Meaning : कुछ हो जाने के बाद उस पर पछताना नहीं चाहिए.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Every school celebrates Annual Day. And the Annual Day speech is of importance as it makes it important to acknowledge the achievement of all, include all those who worked hard and all the parents and guests too. A perfectly balanced speech makes a great impact. Annual days represent the day that is a mixture of acknowledging achievements of the children throughout the year and also a lot of fun and joy the children bring to all through their performance on stage. The emphasis laid down on importance of having fun and health benefits of physical fitness through activities is also the objective.

On this page we have shared here some examples of Speech you can give on the Annual Day. These speeches will help you with preparing a speech of your own in your own style. Our short speech can be used in case a child is speaking at school and the long speeches may be used by speakers other than children. The language is easy to understand with simple words that each one can relate to. You can draw reference from our speeches and make your speech interesting for your audience.

Good Morning! Today is the most important day in my school. Yes it is ANNUAL Day and the time to wrap up all that we have done in the year. A year that is about to end and a new one that is about to begin. Our school, a hub of all the activities and a place where we learn a whole gamut of subjects that include the more serious ones like science and maths to the ones that we learn while we simply practicing them, like art and sports.

The year 2017 has indeed been a roller coaster ride just like the previous years. A time full of opportunities, a time full of learning, and time well spent; learning and enjoying with friends all at the same time. Being competitive at some times and a helping hand at others, it indeed has been a superb period, months that have gone by and will never return.

The best part is friends that we together have been able to win a lot of accolades and trophies and prizes for us and our school. We have shown everyone that together we can win! It is a time to celebrate, and enjoy our achievements together. Here we are, to display to our parents that we children, can give in our best when the best hands mould us and where there are God’s messengers all around in here, to nurture our talent, give us a conducive environment where we can grow, not just physically, but mentally and socially too. Under the guidance of the best brains and the most hard working creatures, our dear teachers, we have put up this show together for all our proud parents for this very special day, our Annual day, 2017. It is a program, our parents can feast their eyes on drama, dance, poetry, singing and a talk show. Children of Junior School have put up a musical version of the most adorable book by Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book.

On this Annual Day we have included an absolutely a new section. We have included a set of games that the children and parents will play as a team. It is a promise that it will be a fun affair and we are all going to enjoy; children and parents on one side and teachers and school staff on another. Simple games like tug of war, three-legged race and Relay races are organised in the school greens soon after the show in the auditorium comes to an end. What a healthy way to end our Annual Day. I am sure we will all participate whole heartedly and parents are a huge support and do not disappoint us. We have had to take special permission from our respected Principal Madam. She is a wonderful person; she loved the theme and immediately gave her consent. I thank her and request her to please join us in our little effort to bring the whole School family together and make our Annual Day 2017 a huge success.

Time now to begin the program, antennary of which is given to our esteemed guests in advance. There are refreshments arranged in the school cafeteria after the program in the auditorium ends.

So parents, come now, enjoy with us. These moments of fun, frolic, laughter together with the children and their teachers, will not come again, at least not in this year!

Thank you!

Good Morning to all present today on this very special occasion of Annual Day 2018. We at xyz School are proud to celebrate this day for yet another year. It is a celebration of our dear children and their achievements in the year going by.

On behalf of our school, I welcome our esteemed chief guest Mr/Ms _________________and parents, without their efforts we would have never achieved what we did in the past year. Today we have children from the middle school and junior school who are here to celebrate Annual Day in the form of showcasing their talents and ability to confidently perform on stage. The children have made great preparations along with their untiring teachers, and are ready to display in front of their parents what they can do if given a chance to be creative and to channelize their energies constructively.

Today, we are proud to share with you that our school has been selected as the best school of this city. Our children have proven excellence in their academic subjects and also in the various non academic fields like sports, art, IT and dance too. Their persistent efforts to continually keep doing well have shown unmatched result. We are proud to say that the school has the best teachers, we don’t merely hire them, we provide them the opportunity to grow as gurus, and always inspire them to keep learning and upgrading their knowledge. This keeps us abreast with the latest developments in the Field of academics and the learning techniques.

We will begin the day with performance by most of the children from our junior and middle school. The children work really hard throughout the year juggling through their classes and the art rooms, dance rooms, play ground and library. It is easier said than done. I witness everyday and wonder where they get all this energy from. But the truth is that they are all so well groomed at home by parents and by our teachers at school, that they remain self-motivated. Even the attitude of our teachers is extremely inspiring for them. An attitude that has a never say die spirit and one that is shown how things can be done by setting the right example. Children are like the soft lump of mud, mould them the way you want to. Inculcating the right habits, mannerisms and the right attitude towards working hard, not just work is so important at a tender age. So we begin early. Even the play schools have reduced the entry age of children to two and a half years. Catch them early, as an early bird catches the worm.

And if you miss this precious time, then nothing except repenting is what you can do. Parents, we understand you know what is best for your child, and now a days both parents go out and work. So at we do not miss an opportunity to remind you how important it is to spend quality time with your little ones. And along with that a daily basis consistent effort to know what is going on inside the head of your child is important. So form a relationship with them that gives them confidence to confide in you every single feeling and are not afraid to ask from you even the most complex and simple questions about life. It is after all your child who is asking, however embarrassing it may seem to you but learn to answer them in the most subtle. We have an extremely professional team of counsellors at school. Your children and you are free to take sessions with them after an appointment.

We all need some help to bring these little wonderful beings. And the best is to do it right, ask for help where in confusion and then do your best. We became parents for the first time too. Some bringing up is within us by the virtue of learning while doing it, and some by learning from our parents, the rest can be acquired.

So on this annual day let us all pledge to give our children not just love, but let us be their support whom they can fall back on when in trouble. Let them know that we are always there for them and they have no reason to be depressed or be tackling their problems alone. Let us nurture these tender buds carefully and see them bloom into responsible, successful citizens who can build a strong nation. Let us see them sore to success. I return the stage to this bunch of stars that are waiting to shine upon us their light.

“It’s not what you do for your children, it is what you taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings” I leave you with these words by Ann Landers, a famous columnist and a media person.

Thank you

Good Morning

We all are here to celebrate the Annual Day in our School today and I welcome very respectable Director of our school, Mr ______________, all the parents who are the part of this humongous effort and the parents who have helped us during the preparations. It has been a pleasure to be associated with all the parents who are people from various walks of life who have added great value to our institution by the way of their invaluable inputs. We can proudly say that we have the best set of parents-children combination and the value system our school stands for.

Today is the day when we decorate with awards and medals, all those children, who have been receiving accolades throughout the year, for the talents they possess and have displayed them through the various competitions in school or at inter-school level.  It gives us pleasure to share with you that our school children not only excel in the sports competitions but also at the academic competitions like JSTSE, Olympiads of all subjects, essay writing competitions and many more. Competitions are platforms that we can provide to children where they can test their learning and they are by no means a measure of who is better than whom.

We believe in a lateral learning system wherein each child is encouraged to participate. Children who have inhibitions are encouraged to come forward at class level, an arena where their comfort level is higher than when they go out of their class rooms and perform. Our teaching methods are holistic and inclusive. This annual day celebration is a great example of that wherein we ensure that every child participate and perform. It gives each one of the student an opportunity to come forward and showcase what he or she has besides being good at academics.

We believe that without the outlet of their talents the whole teaching process is incomplete. So, on this Annual Day we have identified this need and designed the Annual Day program in such a way that even talents like art do not go unnoticed. If you look around you will notice a lot of drawings and posters. Each one bears names and classes of the students who have drawn, colored or painted these pictures. Do take some time to go through this precious gallery of art as this requires recognition too. And who knows that it could be your child who had this talent all this while but you did not know about it. And some of the pieces of art are award winning entries.

Annual Day usually has a plays and dances, we have included a new category which is a rage these days everywhere, every TV channel in the entertainment category show these – I am talking about Stand Up Comedy Section. Yes we have some very talented kids here who will make you roll up with barrels of laughter. So parents be prepared for a fun filled day. Our little children have put up a show that is a musical play; the middle schoolers have been busy preparing for the dance drama that I am told has been choreographed by our own little budding talented dance gurus. The bigger lot have the yoga, acrobatics and dance all rolled up in one to show to us , that I am told by their teachers who have been all out in their efforts they have put in for more than a month now to ensure a show that can surely challenge that professional artists from the entertainment industry.

I will not keep you waiting and leave the stage that will soon be filled with colour and exuberance to fill us up with laughter and happiness.

Thank you

Good Morning! A fresh lively morning with a promising start to a fun filled day awaits us all. I begin this day by praying to the supreme power to give all those present here fine health and sound mind.

It is important for each one of us to be good shape so we can do more, achieve more. “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity”, wise words by John F. Kennedy. So whether we are young or old, it is our duty to take care of this body called temple by some.

We at XYZ School understand the importance of being fit because a healthy body has a healthy mind housed in it. And we strongly feel the importance of these words heard umpteen number of times by our parents and teachers when we were young. I am addressing this to the parents. Our children are in the tender formative years still. To inculcate the importance of games, outdoor activities and physical workouts, we organise Annual Day with the super-enthusiastic set of children who always look forward to it with same eagerness.

So here we are celebrating it for yet another year 2018. It is our 35th Annual Day celebrations and we are proud to continue the legacy of celebrating this wonderful day with you. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we did while the children practiced each performance till they found perfection. That is the one quality one needs to inculcate within oneself is success is not just a desire but passion. And through this activity we instil in our children this virtue that they successfully apply in their academics too and excel in their subjects.

Where there are academic subjects that are important for the children to read and learn to enhance their knowledge and do justice to their brain and memory, there are activities related to co-curricular subjects that give children pleasure, precision and persistence to do more , take more and achieve more. All the children have some in born talent, some in science, some have it in history, and others may be good at sports, dance or crooning. But presenting these talents on stage builds confidence, courage and certitude to win.

On this day sub-junior and middle schoolers have participated to put together an extraordinary show for all of us to enjoy. The children are performing various activities like a Musical Drama based on the story of Shankar by R K Narayan, folk dance, poetry recitation, singing Hindi classical as well as English songs, magic show conducted purely by children and many more such activities.

Annual Day is a celebration of the achievements of our children whole year round. On this day we present the awards to our outstanding students, in academic subjects as well as in sports, Olympiads, inter-school competition winners and in house activity winners. There is nothing more encouraging that an award or a trophy that one can carry back home. It is a reminder to a person of the efforts he or she had put in consistently to win it. A sheer source of encouragement to do more! After the performances come closer to end we shall have the distribution of prizes.

Our children have been preparing for this day for over a month now. They have been juggling between classes and preparations just like a juggler. It was ensured that no studies be compromised and no classes be missed by the children. In-fact an hour’s stay back at school has done wonders. I thank all the parents for helping us and supporting us all the time. Without your support (in sending extra tiffin for the children, helping them with their dresses and costumes, their accessioning and last minute help with make-up), it was not possible.

Most importantly I want to thank you all of being such a great help in supporting the children at home to finish their homework and complete their class work in case they missed anything. Despite of your workload that you have at home or at work, you have been truly supportive. Parents whether home makers or professionals have a very busy schedule too, and we respect each one of you to take out time and do it all. This truly means a lot to us and we are grateful. Parents and teachers are together in this endeavour and we work hand in hand to do that is best to bring up fine healthy citizens of our country.  I am reminded of a poem that I read long time ago, “whose child is it anyway” and the end of the poem touched upon the fact that without each-others’ support the up-bringing of our children will be incomplete. For whole fourteen years, the child’s day is divided between being at home and at school. Both home and school must have an environment that provides the children an opportunity to nurture their qualities and talents to be able to become holistically groomed human beings, true assets of nature and mother earth.

I cannot end without adding a vote of thanks to all the teachers who have burnt the candle at both the ends and brought this fabulous event together for us all. Huge thanks to all the helpers who have been running around to get the little and huge things moving. And in the end I thank our chief guest, who has been kind on us to have taken out his/her precious time to grace this occasion. A huge round of applause for us all and a Hurrah for all the efforts.

Thank you!

Friday, February 9, 2018


post : 294
Phil Libin hasn’t eaten in days, but he says he feels euphoric and full of energy. Libin is one of many Silicon Valley executives who swear that regular fasting is changing their lives. He even claims that forgoing food has made him a better CEO.

New research supports what Libin says he’s experiencing first-hand – that fasting can have very powerful benefits. Reports show that fasting for 3 days at a time can regenerate our immune systems.

Fasting also slows aging and reduces the risk of cancer. Dr. Rhonda Patrick says we don’t have to go the whole nine yards and eliminate food for days to see the benefits of fasting. Simply eating for a shorter window every day (eating all meals within a 10 hour-period) can have similar, but less drastic benefits.

Describing the first time he fasted Libin says, “The first day I felt so hungry I was going to die. The second day I was starving. But I woke up on the third day feeling better than I had in 20 years.”

Libin has fasted anywhere from 2 to 8 days at a time. During fasts, he sticks to water, coffee, and black tea, forgoing any other food or drink. Even though he’s lost 90 pounds on this new eating regimen, he says for him, it’s not about losing weight. Libin says when he fasts he has more energy, his moods are more stable, and he often feels at least mildly euphoric.

Libin’s doctor said he looked 25 years younger. And after comparing his before and after blood test results, Libin’s doctor said he was fit as a fiddle.

Geoff Woo is another Silicon Valley exec that considers fasting a life-changing bio-hack. Woo fasts for three to four days quarterly, and for 36 hours weekly.

He feels so good, he led his entire company in a fast, in part because he believes that fasting increases productivity.

In Silicon Valley, fasters are a dime a dozen. So many people have gotten into the fasting fad that there are now groups who meet up for special “breakfasts” where they break their fasts together and share their first meal in days.

While supporters of fasting seem to be growing daily, some doctors say there isn’t enough evidence for these claims and that new findings should be taken with a grain of salt. Women should be especially cautious because caloric intake is closely linked to a woman’s fertility and reproductive health.

Despite concerns from some health professionals, people like Libin and Woo believe that fasting is the key to health, longevity and productivity.

very happy, blissful

going without, not having

personally, directly

the whole nine yards
all the way, do something completely

a clever technique that improves efficiency

a dime a dozen
not special; common

taken with a grain of salt
viewed with doubt


post: 293
Like many people in Uganda, Charles Watmon has difficulty living with the things he saw and did as a soldier. An unexpected friend now helps him shoulder the burden. That friend’s name is Ogen Rwot and she is a cute, friendly, caramel-colored dog.

For a decade, Watmon fought on both sides of Uganda’s civil wars, first for the Lord’s Resistance Army, then for the Ugandan government. The experience was traumatic. To make matters worse, he learned that he was HIV positive toward the end of his time in the military, and soon lost his wife and his two children to AIDS. After the war ended, he suffered flashbacks and panic attacks. He even thought about suicide.

Then he met Ogen Rwot, whose name means “Trust in the Lord.” She is a therapy dog, but Watmon sees her as more of a sister.

She came to him from the Comfort Dog Project in northern Uganda where 7 out of every 10 people have been traumatically affected by war. The project is the brainchild of Francis Okello Oloya. Oloya was blinded for life when, at 12 years of age, he hit an unexploded bomb with his garden hoe, sending pieces of wood and metal into his eyes.

He attended a boarding school where he had difficulty with many things. He especially hated having to ask his peers for help doing simple things like visiting the bathroom. That’s why he was so grateful when, in a miraculous turn of events, the school’s guard dogs began leading him to the bathroom instead. He formed a strong bond with them and now wants to help others in the war-torn area to do the same.

Service dogs are common in many countries, but in Uganda, the animals are primarily used as guards. Most people fear dogs and would never invite a dog to sleep in their bed like Watmon does. They are seldom kept as pets, and almost never used for therapy. Watmon is one of a small but growing number of Ugandans who are being healed by these therapy dogs.

According to research, dogs are good for our health. One study found that people over 65 who have a dog as a pet visit the doctor 30 percent less often than those who do not. Dogs also have been shown to reduce depression, PTSD symptoms, and anxiety. Another study found that dogs and humans merely looking into each other’s eyes caused the level of oxytocin, the “feel-good hormone”, to rise. And it didn’t just rise in the human research subjects. The dogs also showed higher levels of oxytocin, which suggests the healing relationship between dogs and humans is a two-way street.
living with
tolerating, accepting

shoulder the burden
accept a difficult situation

make matters worse
make a bad situation worse

an original idea

turn of events
new development, change in a situation

devastated by war

two-way street
a situation or relationship involving give and take